Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Questions for February 6

"God Rocks..."

Take time to welcome any new comers, briefly review the Connection Group Commitment, and share the church announcements. 
Invite someone to open your bible study in prayer.

Question: Have you ever had an experience that you could only explain as “a God thing?”  A moment, a feeling, a dream, a camp experience as a kid, something that your knew had to be God and rocked your world? 

Learn It
Read Isaiah 6.
Discuss Part 1: God Rocks (v. 1-4)
  • Do you come to worship expecting an encounter with the living God?  Can you think of other bible stories where God appeared and the earth shook?
  • What is the significance of the Seraphim?  Why are they covering their eyes and feet?  What else do you make of this appearance of God in the temple?
  • What does holiness mean, and why is it so celebrated by the Seraphim?  Why is it repeated 3 times?
  • Have you experienced the glory (the weight) of God in your life?  What does it mean, or how would you explain it to someone?
Part 2: God Rocks Your World (v. 5-7)
  • Why does Isaiah see himself as lost and unclean?  Why his lips?  Why is he part of an people of unclean lips?
  • What happens immediately after Isaiah’s confession, and why is this so important?
  • What does the hot coal mean or symbolize for Isaiah and for us?  Where else do we see fire in the bible?
  • Have you had an experience of feeling the overwhelming glory of God, which lead to an overwhelming feeling of guilt?  What happened, and what was it like?
Part 3: You and God Rock His World Together (v. 8-13)
  • Why does Isaiah now hear the voice of the Lord calling?  What has changed in him?
  • What is Isaiah’s response?  What does it mean to present yourself is such a way?
  • Read over the commission of Isaiah.
  • What is he going to do?
  • What is going to happen?
  • How will things change, or not change?
  • Is this going to be an easy, or impossible mission?
  • What hope is there in the end?
Live It
  • How does this passage point us to Jesus Christ?  How does he rocks, rock our world, and invite us to rock the world with him?
  • Has God moved from being a concept to a reality for you?
  • Have you had a conversion experience where your life has been so thoroughly changed?  Do you want such an experience of God?  Do you have reservations about such a radical conversion to Jesus?
  • If you have heard the call, and said, “Here am I, send me.”  What have you said yes to, or, where have you been sent?
Remember: we are more sinful than we ever imagined, but more loved than we ever dreamed.

Close with a time of prayer with and for one another.

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