Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Game of LIFE: Cranium

Take time to play an opening game this week! Something to get people interacting- charades, pictionary, something silly.

Digging Deeper
The passage we are really getting into requires context. Read the “doxology” (doxa= glory, logos= word) in Rm 11:33-36. Review the attributes of God described. Reflect on these things. Then share your own “doxology” or “words of glory” to God.How does this set the stage for what is about to come?

What Paul is about to ask falls in light of the doxology, and in light of God’s mercy? What is God’s mercy? Share from you own knowledge and experience.

Read Romans 12:1-2. The first thing we do in light of God’s mercy is to offer our bodies. Practically, how do we do this?
Why is this so important? What does this tell us about how God views our physical bodies? What does this mean for the value of other peoples bodies and physical needs?

Paul creates an amazing juxtaposition: the offering of our bodies as living sacrifices as our spiritual act of worship, as compared with offering animals as dead sacrifices in temple worship. Spend some time working through the implications of this- how does this mean for how we worship and “do” religion?

The word for spiritual is from the Greek “logikos.” How should this radically change the way many of us view “spiritual” things? What does it mean to say we are spiritual people in light of this passage? What does this imply about our priority on worship?

Another great juxtaposition appears between being conformed and transformed. Describe the pattern of this world and how we are conformed. Compare this to the transformation of the mind in Christ. Get practical- how have we become too conformed? Where do we need be transformed? How can we apply our minds to this endeavor?

So what comes first, belief of behavior? Do we offer our bodies to change our minds, or change our minds to offer our bodies? Or are we creating a false dichotomy here? Are we better served seeing ourselves in a more holistic way? Explore the implications of this passage and your own experience. Share your own interaction of mind and body, and how they have affected the other.

The passage ends with an amazing promise- do this and be able to test and approve God’s will. Do you want to do God’s will? What do you believe is God’s will for your life?
Pray, share announcements, and make a plan for a group games night.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Have you ever felt like you were in the presence of real evil? Not just something or someone bad, but something, dare we say, demonic? If so, please share with the group what that was like, how you felt, what you did.

Digging Deeper
The passage we are going to look at seems appropriate in the Halloween season. Jesus unveils a dark spiritual reality in the world, one that we might not want to look into or even acknowledge. But for Jesus, it was very real.
Read Luke 8:26-39
  • Do you believe in a literal heaven, and hell? Angels, and demons? Why or why not or what questions do you have? How does the biblical narrative demand the existence of these “supernatural” realities?
  • Further study/reading on the origin and nature of Satan see Isaiah 14:12-23, Job 1, 1 Chr. 21:1, Eph. 6:10-12

Let’s walk through the story:
• What seems to be the nature of demonic possession, as compared to oppression, or temptation, as we see in Matthew 4:1-11?

The demons (Legion) acknowledge and seem helpless simply in the presence of Jesus.
  • Considering this, who then should be afraid of Satan/demons, and why?
  • Who has no need to fear Satan/demons, and why?
  • Why does Jesus honor Legions request?
  • How is their fate symbolic in the Jewish context?
  • What is the result for this man?
  • How is Legion a metaphor for many lives today?
  • Do you think many people in our community struggle with actual demons, or the demons of their own creation?
  • Considering now the close of this story, what wouldn’t you give to be found clothed, cleaned, and in your right mind?
  • How can Jesus do this for all of us?
  • How can we go to our respective homes and tell how much God has done for us?

This story brings up many controversial and complicated questions. Take time to address any burning questions. Then give assurance that all who commit their lives to Jesus are promised protection from evil and the security of heaven.

Wrap up with announcements and prayer to close this UNVEILED series.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Unveiled Sin: October 18, 2009

Maybe a few folks from the group could share a story of being “busted.” Maybe it was a humorous experience, something you can laugh about now; or maybe it was humiliating, but God used it for great things in your life.

Digging Deeper
Read John 8:1-11 and take few minutes to review the story:
• Why does the whole set-up seem so suspicious?
• Why are the religious leaders so against Jesus at this point? (Why would they say Jesus needed to be stopped?)
• Why do you think Jesus seems to ignore their question at first?
• Why do think the older ones left first?
• How does Jesus demonstrate a “tough love” to this woman?

Now let’s get a little more personal.
• Share with the group if you ever felt set-up like the woman.
• Share if you’ve ever felt set up like Jesus was, in a catch-22.
• Share if you’ve ever been so angry that you were the one setting someone up for a fall.

Have you been holding onto any stones of hatred, jealousy, or revenge?
Have you ever felt like you life was saved from the brink of death?
Would you say you feel condemned by people or God, or have you experienced the forgiveness of sin that this woman experienced?

Have you left a life of sin, or is there a sin now that you must leave? Can you ask the group for prayer, support and encouragement to walk this new path?

Make plans for a service and/or social event.
Go over our church announcements.
Close in prayer.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Got Thirst?

Opening: Review
We got a jump on Thanksgiving last week by working to raise our “G.P.A” (Gratitude Projection Average). We offered 3 practical steps. Discuss how you did in each area:

  1. Beginning, and ending, each day with thanks? See Psalm 92:1-2
  2. Turning griping into gratitude? I Thessalonians 5:18
  3. Write a “Thank You” note to God? Psalm 103:2
Share stories about the blessing of becoming a more thankful person.

Digging Deeper: Read John 4:1-42
This passage has two main characters, and 2 main points: Jesus, and the woman.

First the woman: Share your thought on this woman. What do we learn about our own thirst from her?
What are the deepest human thirsts?
How have we succeeded in quenching them?
How have we failed?

Now Jesus: How does Jesus encounter the woman? What does this teach us about our availability to God, and to people?
Discuss Jesus’ use of acceptance, and confrontation. How does he blend the two?
What can we learn about our own witnessing from his example?
Where should we be sensitive?
Where should we be bold?
What can we offer, and how should we offer it?

Before we can offer what Jesus offers, we must first understand our own thirst, and receive Jesus’ initiation. Have you received the gift of living water offered by Jesus? Or do you still feel thirsty in life?

Review announcements and upcoming events.
Share prayer requests and pray for each other.
Make plans for a service project or some social activities for your group.

Monday, October 5, 2009

UNVEILED, October 4, 2009

Maybe start with a game - give everyone a handful of candy. They must share something for which they are thankful for every piece they get.
Would you say you are a thankful person?

Digging Deeper:
Fill out your report card: (A is outstanding, B is good, C needs improvement, D is, well, you know what a D is.)

1. Writing thank-you notes to people when appropriate: A B C D
2. Beginning each day with thanksgiving: A B C D
3. Thanking God for what is good, instead of complaining about what is wrong: A B C D
4. Remembering what you are thankful for: A B C D
5. Thanking God when times are good: A B C D
6. Thanking God when times are bad: A B C D
7. Thanking God when times just are: A B C D
8. Thanking God and taking nothing for granted: A B C D

So what is your GPA (Gratitude Projection Average)? Where are you doing well with gratitude? Where can you make improvements?

Read Psalm 100.
Go through this verse-by-verse and discuss what it teaches us about God, ourselves, and the importance of giving thanks and expressing gratitude.

What do the following teach us about gratitude?
Psalm 92:1-2
I Thessalonians 5:18
Psalm 103:2
Romans 1:21

Give thanks. Go around and share how you will improve your GPA. Spend time actually giving thanks and praising God.

It would be especially appropriate to praise God in song if someone in the group can lead.

UNVEILED, September 27, 2009

Welcome new comers. Play an “ice breaker.” Review the Connection Group Commitment if necessary.

Reflection: What material or earthy possession is most important to you? Maybe it’s your money, your home or hometown. Maybe it’s more abstract, like your career. It’s the thing, more than anything else, that you would hate to give up, let go or lose.

Digging Deeper:
Read Mark 10: 17-22
In the belief system of the original audience, what does being Jewish, male, young, wealthy and influential say about a person? How is this the model of the “blessed’ life? In our own day, what is typically associated with the blessings
of God? Where do cultural and scriptural definitions of blessing meet? Where do they diverge?

Is the question, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” a burning question in your life? Why, or why not? Do you agree with George’s observation that it is usually busy middle-aged folks who ignore this question?

Jesus points the man to the commandments. How do you view the commandments: are they a “to-do” list that gets you into heaven? A fence that keeps you safe and in line? A mirror that reflects your shortcomings? Something else? What is the connection between eternal life and the commands?

John 17:3. “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” What does that even mean? How is eternal life akin to knowing God through Jesus Christ?

The man is adamant that he has kept the commands. Yet the question of eternal life still weights on him. What does Jesus tell him to do? What do you think the other disciples thought about this? How does this fit your answer to the question, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”
What does Jesus’ answer reveal about this man’s heart?

Now, being as honest as we can with ourselves, what might Jesus tell us to sell, give up or change if we are to experience eternal life, i.e., knowing God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent? In other words, who or what stands between you and Jesus? What can you do about it?

If you have 10 more minutes: Read Mark 10:23-31 and discuss verse 27.

Pray for one another and share updates on what’s happening in our church community.