Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Break

The last week of the Fall Semester is December 12.  Most groups are planning an end of the year Christmas Party!

Winter Session will run from January 16 through March 6, 2011.  Caatlogs will be available January 2, 2011, and will be posted to this site.

All participants are encourage to re-register with their current group or a group that works for your schedule.  We don't take it for granted that you will automatically re-register or stay with your current group.  So please let you group leader know you plans.

Looking ahead, Spring Session will run from March 27 through May 22, 2011.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Talk With Yourself

Series: We Need To Talk...
Sunday, October 5 2010


  • It’s the last week of the Fall Semester.  Plan an end of the year Christmas Party at your meeting this week.
  • Winter Session will start January 16 and run through March 6, 2011.
  • All participants are encourage to re-register with their current group or a group that works for your schedule.
Ministry Centre Renovations
This week- drywall!  Let us know if you are available to work any weekday or evening.  Plan on helping December 11 @ 1895 Blue Heron Drive.

Boxing Day Special
Boxing Day falls on Sunday, December 26th and the mall opens at 9am.  We have a once-every-seven-years chance to make our presence known.  Show up at 8am to set up a coffee and gift station outside the theatre to reach out to shoppers.

Ark Aid Street Mission
We’ll be serving dinner on December 29.  10-12 volunteers needed.

Bible For Missions Thrift Store
It’s looking more and more like the BFM Thrift Store will be located in North London.  We want 10 people who can commit to being regular volunteers (one or more days each week, in 4 hours shifts).  Call or write the church for more information.

What did you want to be as a kid growing up?

Learn It
Read Psalm 8
What does this psalm teach us about God?
What does this psalm teach us about ourselves?

How do we simultaneously hold the truths of ‘we are dust’ and ‘we are created and loved by God’ at the same time? Why is it hard to believe both?

If you believed one of these truths without believing the other, what kind of errors could it lead to?

The General Call

Briefly review what this is. Matt 16:24-26

The Immediate Call

Why is this one easy to ignore? Why is it important to remember?

The Specific Call
Read 1 Cor. 12:14-20

Live It
Have you ever felt tempted to want a different gift set?

What is the difference between a job and a vocation? (Vocation = who I am, Job = what I do right now)

Do you know your vocation or have a sense of what it might be?

Have you ever felt like your vocation was not as good/holy/useful as someone else’s?

(if you have older people) How has retirement affected your understanding of job and vocation?

Do you wrestle against a desire for wealth, fame, power? Which is hardest to resist as you pursue your calling?

Do you find it difficult to be fully present in where you are now? Why or why not?

Is there anything specific job/experience you want to try in an effort to discern your vocation?