“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25

Connection Groups target the second part of our mission, “to connect people.”  In the Sunday worship service we gather to build into our relationship with God.  In our home groups we gather to build into our relationships with one another.  We hope that everyone who worships at Connections will be a part of a Connection Group.

It is through Connection Groups that each person can give and receive the best spiritual care.  We find a place to belong and find acceptance.  We can find opportunities to grow spiritually by digging deeper into the bible and prayer. We find a place to serve people and our community.
We know that when people are a part of a Connection Group, they truly feel a part of Connections Church!  Share your name and contact information, and the group(s) that interest you, and we’ll put you in touch with the leader.

Here's how the work, generally:

• Groups run on the semester format: Fall, Winter, Summer
• Groups have a clear starting and stopping date
• Groups are organized geographically
• Groups are made up of about 12-16 adults + children
• Groups of less than 12 will remain open for registration
• Groups will typically meet for 1.5 hours each week
• Group members will agree to a group “commitment” at the beginning of each semester
• The standard curriculum is a bible study and discussion building off of the Sunday worship service
• Groups are built around three guiding values:
  • BELONG- Each meeting starts with a time of just being and “belonging” together. The bible calls this “fellowship.” We want you to build into genuine friendships.
  • GROW- Growth, or “Discipleship,” is essential. Time will be spent growing in God’s word together through reading and discussion.
  • SERVE- Your group is the body of Christ reaching out to your neighborhood. Reach out to one another and neighbors in good works and charity.
• Groups are encouraged to discover ways to do mission in the community as a group
• Groups are also encouraged to schedule some fun time together out side the meeting time
• Some groups may focus on special needs or topics, such as our Parenting and Leadership groups