Friday, October 29, 2010

How the Trinity Works

Connection Group Questions
October 31, 2010


Connections Ministry Centre! 
Let your Group leader(s) know if you can help renovate the space, or have some items of use (book shelves, NICE furniture, etc).

Ark Aid, November 17.  12 volunteers needed to serve from 6-9pm.
Operation Christmas Child.  Boxes now available at Connections.  Drop off date is Sunday, November 14.

Help Wanted:
  • Outreach Coordinator.  Help us plan monthly community service and outreach events, such as serving at the Ark Aid and Operation Christmas Child.
  • Sound Board Operator.  If you’re willing, we can train you!
  • Family Ministry- Lead Teacher and Helper positions.  Training date November 7.
  • First Impressions Ministry.  Greeters, Ushers, Cafe, Information Centre positions.
What is the Trinity?
“The affirmation that God is a triune being: one in essence, three in persons- God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.”

Have you ever heard of the doctrine of the Trinity before? 
How were you taught about the Trinity as a child (if you grew up in a church), and was it helpful? 

2 Corinthians 13:14 “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
What does this verse tell us about who God is and how God works?

1. The Trinity works by helping us understand the bible.
“Not antithetical, antimonious!”
Read Genesis 1:12, 26-27. 
How does the Trinity help you to understand this passage?

2. The Trinity works by helping us understand our God.
“The Immanent Trinity.”
Read Matthew 3:13-17
Discuss this passage and how it reveals the triune God. 
How is this connected to the great commission (Matthew 20:19)?

Three mistakes the Trinity guards us from:
Subordinationism: One God (Father) and two lesser creatures (Son and Holy Spirit)
Modalism: Father, then Son, then Holy Spirit
Tritheism: Three separate gods
Why is it important is it to guard against these teachings?
How does one differ from the doctrine of the trinity as taught by the church?

3. The Trinity works by helping us understand our salvation.
“The Economic Trinity.”
Read 1 John 4:7-14
Discuss this passage, how it helps define the trinity and how it helps us to understand our salvation.

E 100 Challenge Readings, October 24-30
Day 39: 1 Kings 16-19
Day 40: 2 Kings 25
Day 41: Psalm 23
Day 42: Psalm 51
Day 43: Psalm 103
Day 44: Proverbs 1-4
Day 45: Proverbs 16-19

Saturday, October 23, 2010

How Doubt Works

Series: howstuffworks.God
October 24, 2010

Connections Ministry Centre! 
We’re looking for help and handouts!  Let your Group leader(s) know if you can help renovate the space, or have some items of use (book shelves, NICE furniture, etc).  We take possession November 15, and will schedule several volunteer workdays.

Ark Aid, November 17. 
12 volunteers needed to serve from 6-9pm.

Operation Christmas Child. 
Boxes now available at Connections.  Drop off date is Sunday, November 14.

Help Wanted: Talk to your Group leader or contact the church office,

Outreach Coordinator.
  Help us plan monthly community service and outreach events, such as serving at the Ark Aid and Operation Christmas Child.
Sound Board Operator.  If you’re willing, we can train you!
Family Ministry- Lead Teacher and Helper positions.  Training date November 7.
First Impressions Ministry.  Greeters, Ushers, Cafe, Information Centre positions.

  • What was the most surprising or memorable thing about the sermon?
  • What do you think are the most common doubts people have?
  • Have you ever struggled with doubt? In what ways or with what questions?
Learn It: Read Mark 9:17-27
  • How does this story relate to faith and doubt?
  • Do you think the father had faith?
  • Can you identify with the father’s statement, “I believe; help my unbelief!”?
  • How does this story compare with the story of Thomas that we talked about on Sunday morning?
  • What if Thomas had never seen Jesus, do you think he would have still believed?
  • Do you think he ever doubted again?
Live It
  • What does it mean to have child like faith to you? What does it mean to have ‘long-term fidelity’ faith? Have you had to exercise either of those recently?
  • How do you usually relate to other people who doubt or have questions? How do you feel when you have doubt (Guilty? Ashamed? Worried?)
  • How can we be a place that makes room for doubt while valuing sincere faith?
  • How does ‘believing in a God big enough to handle any question’ give you reassurance in your life?
E 100 Challenge Readings, October 24-30
Day 32: 1 Samuel 8-10
Day 33: 1 Samuel 16-18
Day 34: 1 Samuel 32-24
Day 35: 2 Samuel 5-7
Day 36: 2 Samuel 11-12
Day 37: 1 Kings 2-3
Day 38: 1 Kings 8-9

Friday, October 15, 2010

How Worship Works

October 17, 2010
“How Worship Works”

Opening: Discuss...
Q: What is the chief end of humanity?
A: To glorify* God and enjoy Him forever**.
~ Westminster Catechism Q&A 1

* Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.
~ Revelation 4:11
** Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. 4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.
~ Revelation 21:3-4

Learn It: Read Exodus 20:1-6
Martin Luther said that we only break the other commandments after we have broken the first two.  Meaning, if we worship only God, and have no “idols,” we keep all the commandments.  But if we put anything before the worship of we will violate our most fundamental command.

Why is it hard, or not appealing, to try and put God first in everything?  
Discuss what “idols” in our world are most tempting for you?

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” ~ 1 Corinthians 10:31
Ultimately, all of life is to be worship.  Everything should bring Him glory and make us more Christ-like.  What does a life of worship, 24/7/365, look like?  What practical steps can you take to move your life in that direction?

Discuss the following marks of Christian worship...
  1. Christ-centered (1 Corinthians 8:5-6)
  2. Trinitarian (Matthew 28:19)
  3. Communal (Acts 2:44)
  4. Covenantal (Hebrews 9:14-16)
  5. Hospitable (Acts 15:19, Romans 12:13)
  6. Gracious (Romans 8:32)
  7. Biblical (Revelation 1:3)

Live It: Three questions to ask yourself regarding worship...
  1. Do you long to give God glory?  (Do you want to be at worship on Sundays?  Do you want all of your life to feel like worship?  Does all of your life bring God glory?)
  2. Does your faith bring you joy? (Are you more joyful now than you were a year ago?  Are you so joyful that you can’t help but tell others about Jesus?  Do others ask you, “What makes you so joyful and worship-ful?”)
  3. Are you becoming more Christ-like, or more idol-like?  (Looking honestly at your life, understanding that we become like that which we worship, are you becoming more like-Christ?  Or are you becoming more like other things you are pursuing in this world- things like money, food, power, sex...?)

E 100 Challenge Readings, October 10-16
Day 25: Joshua 5:13-6:27
Day 26: Judges 2-3
Day 27: Judges 4-5
Day 28: Judges 13-16
Day 29: Ruth 1-4
Day 30: 1 Samuel 1-3
Day 31: 1 Samuel 8-10

Saturday, October 9, 2010

How Grace Works

Series: "howstuffworks.God"
October 10, 2010

Coming to God’s word is an act of worship. So, after a time of welcome, we encourage you to spend some time in prayer or in singing to start your bible study. Create and atmosphere of praise to start your study on grace.

Learn It
Gordon MacDonald wrote: “You need not be a Christian to build houses, feed the hungry, or heal the sick. There is only one thing the world cannot do. It cannot offer grace.”   Discuss this proposition and the primacy of grace in Christian faith.

Read Ephesians 2:1-10
This passages teaches that we are saved by God’s grace. What does it means to be dead in our sins? Why does the bible teach that we need to be saved? What does is mean to be saved? Do you think most people agree that we need saved? What role does God’s love play in His grace and our lives?

Perhaps the most popular acronym to define it is ”God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.” Does this help capture what is taught in this passage? What are some of God’s riches? What is the expense that Christ Jesus had to pay for us?

Live it
Do you have any personal stories of experiencing God’s grace?  If so, please share as much as you are comfortable.

Do you have any favorite bible stories that have helped you understand and embrace God’s grace?   If so, please share.

In the message we talked about the difference between you trying to work for God’s grace, and letting God’s grace work for you. Look at the following lists. Examine your life, and assess where you are at in these contrasting positions. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself on both sides. Use this exercise to help you let God work his grace deeper into your heart:

1. Holier than Thou             1. Humble
2. Critical                            2. Encouraging
3. Loathes others                3. Likes others
4. Unforgiving                    4. Eager to forgive
Lonely and Secretive          5. Joyful and Communal
6. Prayers of petition          6. Prayers of adoration
7. Insecure faith                  7. Assurance of salvation

The bible teaches that we are sinners saved by the grace of God.  But also, we are made saints by the grace of God, alive in Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit.  Discuss how holding to the truth of this revelation- we are both sinner and saint- can help us rely more on God’s grace.

Remember: we are saved by grace, and we live by grace! Grace is our regeneration, justification, sanctification and glorification! It’s all about God’s grace!

Leave time to pray for one another!

E 100 Challenge Readings, October 10-16
Day 17: Exodus 3-4
Day 18: Exodus 6-11
Day 19: Exodus 12
Day 20: Exodus 13-14
Day 21: Exodus 19-20
Day 22: Exodus 32-34
Day 23: Joshua 1

Friday, October 1, 2010

How Religion Works

October 3, 2010
Series: "howstuffworks.God"
Week 1: “How Religion Works”

Review the Connection Group Commitment for any new comers. Give attention to the primary purpose of our Groups: “A place to Belong, Grow and Serve.” Make sure folks understand the expectations for the group, and from group participants.

Learn It
Have a few folks share a time when they felt like an outsider.
  • How did that make you feel, and what could they have done to make you feel welcomed?
Read Acts 15:1-11, 19-21.
Verses 1-11 of Acts 15 describes an early disagreement among the early church about whether or not Gentiles should be allowed to into the church. Some of the church leaders viewed them as outsiders and should be treated as such. In verses 11 and 19, Peter stands up and declares that the church should not exclude the Gentiles and the church “should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God.” (v.19)
  • Describe a time when you felt like an outsider at a church. How did that experience affect your attitude towards the church?
  • Why do you think it is easy for churches to forget that church is for everyone not just for “church people”?
One of the primary reasons we make others feel like outsiders is because we are too comfortable in our current surroundings. We must get out of our comfort zone. Share a time when you jumped out of your comfort zone to do something God was leading you to do.
  • How did your stepping out of your comfort zone help you grow as a person and in your faith?
  • What changes in our mindset can each of us make Connections be more welcoming?
  • What are some of the ways Connections successfully creates an environment that is welcoming?
  • Who would you like to see find a place in our church? What would it take for them to be comfortable at church? Ask someone to join you and pray for them.
Live It
Next Sunday take some steps in helping make our worship service more inviting. Here are a few suggestions of things you can do:
  • Don’t rush out of the church after your worship experience. Spend some time in the lobby visiting with those you do not know and especially those who are visitors.
  • Before, during and after your worship experience, keep an eye out for someone who looks lost or could use some help. Step out of your comfort zone and do what you can to assist them.
  • Consider serving in an area of ministry that is instrumental in creating a welcoming atmosphere for everyone, like our children’s ministry or greeting.
Each of us can do our part to insure that our church does not make anyone who walks through the doors feel like an outsider. Pray and ask God to help you jump out of your comfort zone and step up your efforts in making your church a welcoming place for everyone.  And, keep the conversation going this week with your family, group and online on our Facebook Fan Page.

E 100 Challenge Readings, October 3-9
Day 10: Genesis 32-33
Day 11: Genesis 37
Day 12: Genesis 39-41
Day 13: Genesis 42
Day 14: Genesis 43
Day 15: Genesis 45-46:7
Day 16: Exodus 1-2