Friday, October 21, 2011

Week 4: Off with the Old. On with the New

Connection Group Questions
October 23, 2011
Remind folks of upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.  

Option for opening discussion: Connections Ministry Centre.
In the past five months we’ve seen a lot happen on this front- after the building was destroyed we entered into a long negotiation with our insurance company.  We were able to recover the costs of our materials.  However, we could never put a value on all the volunteer time and energy that so many gave.
Since settling, our Leadership Team has been actively praying and seeking God’s will for the next season of Connections.  Our mission continues, but our plan to live it out has been in discussion.  In the midst of these prayers we have pursued several avenues to see what would turn up.  We talked with several churches about renting office space and using their facilities for programming.  We’ve looked at several office leases.  We’ve looked at several warehouses for doing another renovation project.  In summary: no great partnership has emerged, and nothing has been within our budget or “felt right.”
We invite our groups to pray for our church and discuss possible plans for moving forward with our mission.  Those of us in leadership do feel it’s time to find facilities to have a presence in our community, and space for our church to grow through more programming.  
What kind of facilities would you like to see our church find?  In what ways could this advance our mission in our city?
Digging Deeper: Read Colossians 3:1-14
Last week we learned some simple bible reading study tools.  It’s really about reading the text intentionally and asking the basic “When, who, what, why?” questions.  

Only after we have established what the bible actually says can we ask the more personal, “What now/what about me?” questions.
Use these questions to go over the text and make sure we’re all learning to become bible-readers for ourselves.  Here’s some help:

1-4: How can we be of good to God and our neighbours if we set our minds on “things above?”  
Would you say that Jesus Christ “is your life?”  Or is he more just a part of your life?  
Discuss what this kind of faith looks like.

5-11: How have you struggled with these “earthly” things: sexual immorality, anger issues, lust for power, ungodly talk?
How much of your old self do you still wrestle with?
What does it mean to call these things of earth “idolatries?”
Are you feeling growth in becoming your new-self in Christ?
What does v. 11 mean?  Is this about identity, salvation, a future hope?

12-14 How can we put on each of these virtues: compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, patience?  Does one stand out as something you need to pray for and apply?
What is the significance of forgiveness in the text and in the life of the Christian?  
How has forgiveness changed you and your relationships with other people?
How can we “put on love?”  Give some practical examples for daily life, and for different areas of life- works, family, friendship...
Close with a time of prayer for one another, our church and our world!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Masquerade Wk 3: The Mask of Perfection

Connection Group Questions
October 16, 2011
We have several upcoming events for Connections- youth events, breakfasts, etc- make sure everyone is aware.
We also have many ministry areas where we’d like Connections to grow.  Take some time to go over some of the key volunteer roles as outlined on the Connection Card.  Some areas where we are always looking to grow is in our Family Ministry, especially those who can teach.  Other key areas right now are running the media program and the camera during worship.  Talk to use if you have some skill in these areas, or are willing to learn.

Now, open your time of study/discussion with a fun question: If you could have one super power, what would it be, and why? 
Digging Deeper
Read Matthew 9:1-13
Take as long as you need as a group to pour over the text.  Let these stories really soak in and speak for themselves.  Perhaps your group leader will set up the bible reading by sharing some background and context to the text.  
Some helpful questions to ask and talk about as a group:
  • Where does this happen in the life/ministry of Jesus?
  • What people or groups are present?
  • What’s the problem being addressed in the passage?
  • What’s the solution being presented? 
  • What do we learn about who Jesus is?
  • What do we learn about what Jesus does?
  • What do we learn about who we (people) are?
  • What we we learn about what people do?
  • How do the different people in the stories respond/react to Jesus?
  • How do you respond/react to Jesus in light of this passage?
Here are some other questions you can ask of this passage:
What impresses me more: the forgiveness of sins, or the physical healing of the paralytic?
What do you make of this simple invitation of Jesus, “Follow me.”  What would it look like for you to follow Jesus?  
Is anything holding you back from moving forward with Him?
Discuss the radical acceptance/affirmation behind this “follow me” invitation.
Jesus declares that he has come for the sick, not the righteous.  Does that totally shatter your perceptions of the church and being a Christian?
How can our church or your group become more like a “hospital for the sick” rather than a “museum for the righteous?”  What can we “sick” people learn about living a mask-free life from groups such as AA?
Closing Thought: As soon as we say we are sick, Jesus works to make us well!
Close with a time of prayer for one another, our church and our world!  Encourage one another to follow Jesus this week!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Masquerade, wk 2: Naked, and Not Ashamed!

Connection Group Questions
October 2, 2011
“Naked, and Not Ashamed!”
Everyone get naked!  Just kidding... really.
It’s Thanksgiving.  You can’t have too much thankfulness in your hearts and in your group.  Start by sharing 3 things you are thankful for.  But no repeats!  If someone says they are thankful for their family, then you can’t repeat that.  It might get harder as you go along, so don’t hesitate to be the first to share!
Digging Deeper
Read the creation story, Genesis 1:26-2:2, 2:15-25, 3:8-13
Any reading of the bible, and perhaps especially the creation story, can raise a lot of questions.  Thus any bible study of this section can easily get side-tracked, and can go on just about forever!  
So let’s focus on some the things we know are answered:
  • The first “mask” in the bible is this mask of shame.  How would you define shame?  How have you experienced shame ?  (Yes these are very personal questions, so not everyone has to answer.)
  • Have you struggled with shame, or have you experienced some victory over shame in your life?  Perhaps your story can be an encouragement to others in the group.
  • In your own words, discuss what it means to be made in the image of God:  How are we like the rest of creation?  How are we unlike the rest of creation?  How can this both humble, and inspire us?
  • How can we better become icons to reflect and direct the reality of God in the world?  Who do you know that lives as a icons for God, rather than making an idol of themselves?
  • What is unique about our role in creation as stewards?  How can understanding this role help with our understanding of our lives and our purpose in the world?
  • What is unique about our relationship with God?
  • What is the relationship like between Adam and Eve?
  • What would it be like to be naked and have no shame, no fear?
  • What are the wonderful things we can affirm about our image?  What are the fallen things?
Group Exercise:
Read these passages where God shares how He sees us without any mask out loud as a group:
 Psalm 139:16-19, Isaiah 43:1, Jeremiah 31:3, Zephaniah 3:17, John 15:12-17, 1 Peter 2:9.  
Reflect on these passages and what they say of us.
Close with a time of prayer.
No everyone has to pray, but everyone should participate in the prayer time.  Give folks a chance to share, have a time for open prayer, then your group leader can wrap it up!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Masquerade, wk 1

October 2, 2011

Introduce anyone new to the group and share how you came to check out the Connection Group.

After introductions go over the “Connection Group Commitment.” You’ll want members to commit to the semester at this meeting. ANd now that you know who will be with the group, you can make a snack schedule, or even begin making plans for a service or social event.

Digging DeeperThe theme of this series is all about taking off our masks and showing our real identity. But let’s start with something a little less threatening. What was you favorite costume as a kid, or who/what did you always want to be? How does this reflect who you are today: your hopes or aspirations?

It’s probably a little pre-mature to share our deepest, darkest secrets. But perhaps a few folks could share about a mask they used to wear. Maybe it was a season in your youth, or in a relationship. You were trying to be something, or someone, you really were not. How’d that work out for you?

All of us have some masks. In fact, it’s wise not to show everything about ourselves to everyone all the time. But all of us could benefit from getting real with God, and finding people with whom we can show our real self, flaws and faults included.
So let’s look at confession, and it’s role in the bible.
Read Psalm 51, perhaps the most famous “confession” in all the bible. Share the background to this Psalm- the story of David and Bathsheba, 2 Samuel 11 and 12.
  • If God’s love is unfailing, why does David still ask for mercy? 
  • Why do you think he uses the imagery of washing away sin? 
  • Why does he say he’s sinned against God alone? What about Uriah? Bathsheba? All the people of his kingdom? What does this tell us about the nature of sin? 
  • Where does David understand his sinful actions to originate? (Look at verses 5-6) 
Feel free to go through this whole Psalm, discussing each statement, to see if it rings true in your own life and experience.

Confession comes from the greek, “homologeo,” or, “To say the same.” Let’s talk about what God says about you:

First, what amazing things does God say about you? Have the group share as many encouraging verses or truths from the bible about who we are as humans. Can you start to say these same things about yourself?

Second, what are some of the more revealing things God could say about you? Are you willing to hear some truth about your life, even if it’s uncomfortable? What would stop us from wanting to say of the things about our lives that God already sees and knows?

Close with a time of prayer.No everyone has to pray, but everyone should participate in the prayer time. Give folks a chance to share, have a time for open prayer, then your group leader can wrap it up!