Monday, November 30, 2009


November 29, 2009

Fill in the blank! (Answers posted below)
The two stages of Jesus’ life:
1. _______________
2. _______________

The four movements in the first:
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
4. _______________

The four movements in the second:
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
4. _______________

The three roles we see in every stage of Jesus’ ministry: Prophet, Priest and King. Together, this makes him uniquely the Messiah, or Christ.

The Prophet: Represents _____ to _____.
The Priest: Represents _____ to _____.
The King: Represents _____ _______ .

Read Hebrews 1:1-4.
Where do we see references to all three roles?

Read John 1:1-14.
Discuss Jesus’ role as prophet and the importance of the incarnation (Immanuel, “God with us.”)

Closing: make plans for a Christmas party, decide when the group will break, and plans to resume in January 2010.
Fill in the blank answers:

The two stages of Jesus’ life:

The four movements in the first:
1. Birth
2. Ministry
3. Suffering
4. Death

The four movements in the second:
1. Resurrection
2. Ascension
3. Return
4. Reign

The three roles we see in every stage of Jesus’ ministry: Prophet, Priest and King. Together, this makes him uniquely the Messiah, or Christ.

The Prophet: Presents GOD to US.
The Priest: Presents US to GOD.
The King: Presents GOD'S DOMINION .

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Settlers of Catan

Opener -
Have you ever felt like an outsider? At a party? At the in-laws? Talk about your experiences

Read Luke 15:11-32

What do you notice in this story? About the younger son? About the older son? About the Father?

Do you identify with any of the characters?

Do you ever feel “away from home” in this world?

Ben talked about many of us filling our longing for God (and a true home) with temporary things like food, sex, career, money, religion and family. How do you see that playing out in your life? What do you see being the biggest temptation for you?

Describe a time when you felt empty after chasing one of those temporary things.

Read 1 Peter 2:11 - Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.
Do you feel like an exile/sojourner?

Where do you see implications for your life personally?

Ben discussed the French Foreign Legion (review if necessary), do you think we are becoming a community like that?
In our connection group?
In our church?

Sunday, November 15, 2009



How have you presented, or had presented to you, the story of the bible? If this is totally new to you, perhaps a leader in the group can explain the bible, or as we often call presentations about Jesus, “the gospel.” Read John 20:30 and discuss, or for a gospel summary, Romans 6:23, but ask yourself, “is that all there is?”

Digging Deeper:
Follow along with the diagram and talk about each movement. Feel free to reference other scriptures as needed. Keep the discussion on track so you can get to the closing for several minutes of sharing.

CREATION: Connected Read Genesis1:27-2:3.
Do you see a connection between People and God, one another and creation? How does God describe what he made and how would you describe the plan for creation? Do you feel like we were meant for a world that doesn’t, or does not yet fully exist?

FALL: Disconnected Read Genesis 3:8-19.
Don’t get hung up on all the details here. Instead, describe the reality of disconnection. How does it affect human relationships with God, one another and the creation itself? How have you seen or been damaged by disconnection?

REDEMPTION: Connecting Read 2 Corinthians 5:17
Change must begin in us. What do you make of the story so far? Does everything point toward Jesus? Is Jesus the Son of God? Do you believe only he can offer us forgiveness from sins and victory over death? Do you believe in Jesus as you savior and Lord?

NEW CREATION: Reconnected
Read 2 Corinthians 5:18-21
In the story Jesus came, died, rose and ascended to heaven. He promised to return and bring about the creation of the new heaven and earth (Revelation 21:1-5). In this time between, with our salvation secure and the hope of New Creation, we are to be Christ’s ambassadors. What does that mean? How does the church fulfill this mission? How do you as individuals fulfill this mission?

Which circle are you in? 1. Nothing’s wrong, 2. Everything’s broken, 3. I’m all right because of Jesus, 4. I’m in mission with Jesus and the church? Obvious we are hoping for circle four. What will it take to get there?

* This picture, with only a few minor changes, was taken from "True Story" by James Choung.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Game of LIFE: Stratego

The following is designed to as a group exercise in order for you to receive counsel on your life plan. It would be most beneficial for you to come to your group having written out a draft of your plan.

Read Proverbs 19:21 (in your program).
If someone in your group seems particularly gifted in organizing their life, and others lives, have them share some of their life plans, how they discerned their plans, and how they have implemented their life plans.

Review our three guiding proverbs as found in the program this morning: 15:22, 16:3 and 16:9.
Discuss the importance of counsel, determination and openness to God’s changes to your plans.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”
~ Jeremiah 29:11

I. Discover God’s PURPOSE for your life:
Exercise- write your own epitaph. Thinking now of what is most glorifying to God, what do you want said of you by your family, friends, church and community? What do you want God to say about your life as well?
One other way to help us understand ourselves is to reflect on your SHAPE (Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, Experiences).

II. Discern your LIFE PLAN:
How do you want to develop in the following most important areas of life? (You may add to this list, but you cannot take away):
  • Relationship with God
  • Relationship with People
  • Relationship with Yourself: health, hobbies, etc
  • Relationship with Work
  • Relationship with Money

III. Activate your MISSION:
Now you must get practical, put your plan into a statement, verse, list or paragraph that you can remember. Then put it into action steps in the following areas:
  1. Legacy: Plans for the end of your life (Should be directions plans that can be implemented immediately, but will take a lifetime to achieve)
  2. Mid-range Plans: 2-10 years
  3. Short-range Plans: 1-2 years
  4. Daily/Weekly/Season: this is your SYSTEM to write and implement your plans. Remember the importance of putting your plans into a workable weekly practice so that you can do your work and get your Sabbath.
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